Ways to Contribute

Get involved or donate today! Photo of smiling teens standing side by side outdoors

Did you know? The Clay Center is funded primarily through philanthropy. When you support our work, you allow us to continue to produce and share mental health education and advance the resilience and emotional well-being of children, teens, and young adults everywhere. There are a number of ways you can give and get involved!

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Donate Today

Your tax-deductible gift* will help ensure a healthier, more resilient future for today’s-and tomorrow’s-youth! You can:

Donate Online.

Donate by Check. For donations via check, please:

    • Make Payable To: “MGH Clay Center for Young Healthy Minds”
      Include in Memo Field: “Clay Center Council Fund 020300”
      Mail To: MGH Development Office, 125 Nashua Street, Ste. 540, Boston, MA 02114

Donate by Wire Transfer. Gifts of cash may be wired to the MGH Clay Center. It is VERY IMPORTANT that you indicate the funds are for this work; otherwise funds are deposited into the hospital’s general fundraising account. The wiring instructions are as follows:

    • Bank Name: Bank of America
      Swift-code BOFAUS3N
      ABA 0260-0959-3
      Account Name: MGH
      Account Number: 0053192914
      Memo field: MGH1101, DONOR name, Clay Center-020300, Dr. Gene Beresin

In addition to your gift, please send notification of your gift to Michelle Marshall, Managing Director: mmarshall14@mgh.harvard.edu and Gabriel Manchon, Director of Development Services: gmanchon@partners.org. 

 *The MGH Clay Center is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, and donations are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law.*

Link To Us

If you feel your audience could benefit from our information, please link back to us! Links from credible schools and organizations are essential to reaching families everywhere: mghclaycenter.org.

Connect on Social Media

Whether you share a favorite blog post or video, or direct someone in need to the center’s website, we appreciate your help in spreading the word about our work. We invite you to find us on social media:

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Your tax-deductible gift* will help ensure a healthier, more resilient future for today's-and tomorrow's-youth.
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