The crisis in Ukraine feels to many like the straw that broke the camel’s back. Between the COVID pandemic, systemic racism, the climate crisis, and now the war in Ukraine, the world may feel increasingly unsafe. Very young children, though, actually respond more to their adults’ distress than to the tragic events themselves.
It’s been a few weeks since the 2022 Olympics in Beijing, and while the world has moved on to larger news and grief surrounding the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the images of young female figure skaters – children – weeping, throwing their hands up in distress and storming away from cameras, continue to perpetuate a dark sinking feeling wi
* * * Why Every Child Deserves to Spend Time in Nature * * *
This past summer, after months of staring at my own reflection on Zoom, I was lucky enough to accompany 35 kids and teens to Revere Beach as part of my work at the MGH Revere Youth Zone.
For many, the holidays are anticipated as idyllic. A long awaited time to connect with family and friends, share memories, play games, watch familiar movies (we all have our favorites – Home Alone, Harry Potter, Elf, It’s A Wonderful Life – you know yours), watch sports, cook together.
This piece on Simone Biles is one in a series by Dr. Uchida on athlete mental health. Watch more with figure skater Mirai Nagasu, and read more on tennis player Naomi Osaka.
This piece on Naomi Osaka is one in a series by Dr. Uchida on athlete mental health. Watch more with figure skater Mirai Nagasu, and read more on gymnast Simone Biles.
Many teenagers experiment with alcohol and other substances, and pot – or marijuana – is one of those drugs. While many states have made pot legal for medical and/or recreational use, recent studies show that this, specifically, has not increased its use in teens.
Tune in for more on what parents should know about teen drug use.
Recent mass shootings that have made national news headlines are a frightening reminder to us all of this “new normal.” Beyond those that have made national headlines, there are many more incidence of gun violence – sometimes more than one a day – for which the trauma is felt only locally.
Listen to Dr.
Are you an educator? You may be interested in our Conflict Resolution Curriculum for students. Learn more here.
Conflict is a natural part of our lives. We inevitably have disagreements with others from time to time in our values, beliefs, behavior, and much more.
Algunos niños duermen bien y otros no. Ese es un buen punto para comenzar cuando se reflexiona acerca de los problemas del sueño en los niños. Según la investigación, muchos niños que duermen bien continuamente, a menudo lo hacen desde muy temprano en sus vidas.