I cannot think of a time in recent history when our nation was more polarized, and resentment and anger so pervasive. One thing we know, though, is that our kids and teens are watching, picking up on, and asking questions about the intensity of it all. There are calls for unity and healing almost everywhere we turn.
The images of chaos and violence in our nation’s Capitol that many children and teens have been seeing in the media have been disturbing and scary.
Telepsychiatry is much like the old days of visiting patients in their homes.
For a child and adolescent psychiatrist, home visits – and now telehealth visits – allow us to see our patients’ treasured stuffed animals, games, posters, sports team banners – even their piles of dirty sweatshirts and sneakers.
The life of a military family is not easy, especially for parents. While nonmilitary parents typically define the roles and responsibilities of taking care of kids, it’s very different in military families when, from time to time, one has to parent as a solo pilot.
Tune in wherever you get your podcasts. Just search for “Shrinking It Down.”
If you’re Black or Brown and growing up in America, it’s noticeable from a very young age that something feels off. That’s because, no matter where you go, there is a layered, structural unfairness that plays out.
“Él está jugando juegos todo el tiempo. ¡Cada oportunidad que tenga! Desde el momento en que llega a casa hasta la hora de acostarse, está en su habitación con esa computadora. Y casi no pasa tiempo con la familia. ¿Es adicto? Estoy realmente preocupado.
Tune in wherever you get your podcasts. Just search for “Shrinking It Down.”
Many parents of kids struggling with a mental health issue have concerns – even fears – about medication as a part of treatment. Will it help? Will it hurt? What are the side effects? Today, Dr.
To help you start, or continue conversations you’ve already begun, here are some guiding resources:
How and why to discuss Juneteenth with your children (The Washington Post)
Ways to Emotionally Support Your Teen in Responding to Racism (MGH Clay Center)
16 ways to help children become thoughtful, informed, and BRAVE about race (Emb
La ansiedad es la forma en que los humanos hemos evolucionado para protegernos.
En situaciones amenazadoras, nuestros cerebros desencadenan una serie de respuestas que resultan en una elevación del ritmo cardíaco, sudoración, temblores, hiperventilación y miedo intenso, todo con el propósito de prepararnos para el peligro.
Jacob, de 14 años, parece tenerlo todo. Vive en un barrio rico, asiste a una escuela privada, practica deportes y es un miembro estrella de la banda de su escuela. Y, sin embargo, se siente incómodo y estresado.