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Five Parenting Tips for Civility and Coping With the Political Climate

It’s not like we need all of the breaking news headlines to know that things right now are super-tense. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve been approached with questions or concerns about how parents can keep their heads in these trying political times. And with every passing day, there is much more at stake.

10 Important Steps for Parenting Young Athletes

Some parents on the sidelines at their children’s athletic events behave quite badly.

Also, the sun sets in the west.

In other words, the fact that parents get out of hand at their kids’ games isn’t exactly groundbreaking news.

Let’s Talk About “Eighth Grade”

Lots of things crossed my mind as I cringed and smiled my way through Bo Burnham’s amazing new film, Eighth Grade.

First – and this particular sentiment was a near-constant refrain – I found myself swimming in gratitude that I was no longer in 8th grade myself.

Shrinking It Down: When Nightmares Become Reality in the U.S. (Special Episode)

You can also listen to this podcast on iTunes, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. Just search for “Shrinking It Down.”


In research that’s been done about kids’ fears, the most frightening thing is losing or being left without a parent.

Through the events at the U.S.

Is Our Culture Skeptical of Mental Healthcare Itself?

“Dear Dr. Schlozman: This psychiatry course convinces even the biggest skeptics.”

This comment, entirely well meaning, is also deceptively profound.  Whenever I sit down to discuss the variations of stigma with regard to mental health, I think first of this comment.

Digital Media: For Better or Worse?

It was Patriot’s Day in Massachusetts.

I was meeting with a film maker about a possible collaboration on a documentary. We were interested in the impact of digital media on youth.

Shrinking It Down: Kids, Marches, and Media (Season 1, Episode 14)

You can also listen to this podcast on SoundCloud, Stitcher, and iTunes. 


Recently, youth-driven marches such as ‘March for Our Lives’ have received extensive media coverage.

Shrinking It Down: Navigating the System (Season 1, Episode 13)

You can also listen to this podcast on iTunes, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. Just search for “Shrinking It Down.”


We’re not going to pretend it isn’t so.

Teen and Parent Misconceptions about Driving and Marijuana

Friends don’t let friends drive drunk.

AdCouncil (1983)

We all remember this slogan.

It was coined at the launch of the Drunk Driving Campaign.

Since then, awareness of the serious risks of driving under the influence of alcohol are well known. And there have been significant changes in driving behavior.

Is Age 27 the New 18? – Shrinking It Down

You can also subscribe to this podcast on iTunes, Spotify, Google Play, Stitcher, TuneIn, SoundCloud, and most podcast apps – just search for “Shrinking It Down”.


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