Prevention is the best medicine. While not all chronic diseases can be prevented, one of the best ways to stay healthy is to take preventive health care measures, and so doctors recommend that most Americans get several screenings from childhood into adulthood. Yet, for many Black Americans, accessing preventive health care isn’t just about making an appointment; it requires navigating a health care system rooted in racism, mistrust, and inequity — all of which make health care outcomes worse for Black folks compared to their white peers. Dr. Khadijah Booth Watkins joins Word in Black to discuss how this issue effects Black Americans seeking mental health care.
Dr. Khadijah Booth-Watkins joins WCVB to share advice for parents on how to support their adult children entering the workforce. She explains that entering the workforce has not been easy and can impact the self-esteem of college graduates.
Parents are increasingly worried about sleepovers being dangerous. Are kids losing out? Dr. Gene Beresin joins the Boston Globe to discuss this issue and provide advice for parents.
Managing change is easier for some than it is for others. Dr. Eugene Beresin elaborates on how parents can help kids navigate new environments.
In times of chaos and uncertainty — whether it’s political turmoil, natural disasters, aircraft disasters, social upheaval — children are listening, watching and absorbing it all. While we, as adults, may struggle to process these events ourselves, our kids and teens are often left with even bigger fears and unanswered questions. Dr. Gene Beresin joins All Things Considered to help parents navigate these difficult conversations.
Dr. Khadijah Booth-Watkins says the potential cuts and closures are disappointing and are not the answer for the state as it would need more funding toward mental health services, and not less.
Dr. Gene Beresin joined the Boston Globe to discuss the loneliness epidemic, lack of mental health care, and Gen Z's new solution to this epidemic.
During the holidays, parents have to walk a tight rope between showering them with presents and devaluing gifts by buying too many.
While the holidays are often portrayed as idyllic, they can be difficult for people who have distanced themselves from family. Some studies estimate that about 50% of people experience periods of disconnection from close relatives.