Many of us know that the teen years can be a time for experimenting with alcohol and other drugs. But a recent CDC study found the reason why teens use substances today isn’t just for experimentation, but also to stop worrying about problems, and even to help with depression or anxiety. This is really concerning.
You’ve probably heard of pet therapy, but what about equine therapy?
Special guest Janice Gilman of BINA Farm Center joins Gene and Khadijah to help us learn about the many different kinds of equine therapy for kids.
To address the youth mental health crisis, we need to approach it from different angles – including access, education, and legislation. So, what are states doing to make a difference?
Tune in below, or wherever you stream!
Today, Gene and Khadijah are joined by special guest Senator John C. Velis of Massachusetts.
What role should prescription stimulants play in a child’s ADHD treatment plan?
Tune in below, or wherever you stream.
Today, Gene and Khadijah are joined by Tony Rostain, MD, MA, chair of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health at Cooper University Health Care, to discuss this and more.
Recent national surveys show that a significant proportion of college students report having felt overwhelmed, anxious, and lonely during college. If college is supposed to be the “best years of your life” then why are so many students lonely? That’s what Dr. Gene Beresin and Dr.
Fears and phobias are not the same thing.
All of us have fears – kids and adults alike. Many of us even enjoy a good scare now and again (there’s a reason why horror movies do so well). And most fears in our children – real or imagined – eventually respond to reassurance, emotional calming, or distraction.
Download a detailed list of our calendar content including meal recipes in this Word document!
Join us in observing BIPOC Mental Health Month (visit MHA to learn more) by exploring different ways to rejuvenate over the summer.
With increasing gun violence and constant media coverage, many kids are scared to go to concerts, to malls, to school.
Tune in below, or search for “Shrinking It Down” wherever you get your podcasts.
Many adults are feeling the same – coping with gun violence can be paralyzing.
Starting college for the first time can be a big deal for all kids, but for those with Autism Spectrum Disorder there’s even more to consider for making it a smooth transition. As parents, how do we provide the best support? How involved should we be?
Special guest Dr.
Make this May Mental Health Month a grateful one!
When you express gratitude, your brain releases dopamine and serotonin. These two neurotransmitters play an important role when it comes to our emotions.