Search Results for: helping kids fit in

Search Results for: Helping Kids Fit In

401 results found.
A Gift of Will: It’s How Our Kids Keep Going
Topics: , , Categories: Parenting Concerns, You & Your Family Authored by:

as many positive experiences as possible along the way, so your kids have something to fall back on later in life, when things get tough.” I realize now that my…

Can Kids Get Mental Illness?
Topics: Categories: Multimedia, Videos Authored by:

What does the average person think about mental illness in kids? We went to the streets to ask people this very question, and their responses and stories were both enlightening…

Q+A: My kids are 8 and 5 years old. How can I teach them executive function skills?
Topics: , Categories: Grade School, Parenting Concerns Authored by:

be a great way to help them build their executive function skills. For answers to more questions about executive function skills and kids, tune in to our “Ask Ellen” Q+A….

What Is An Individualized Education Program (IEP)?
Topics: Categories: Grade School, Pre-School, Teenagers, You & Your Family Authored by:

…in identifying the best strategies for helping him in school. Once you receive the IEP from the school, you may accept or reject it—in whole or in part. If you…

What Is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)?
Topics: , , Categories: Teenagers, Young Adults Authored by:

is a 15-year-old boy who is in the middle of his sophomore year of high school. Tommy has always been a bit nervous, and over the last year, especially in…

The Plight Of Child Homelessness In The United States
Topics: Categories: Grade School, Hot Topics, Infants & Toddlers, Podcast, Pre-School, You & Your Family Authored by: , , and

post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), is the rule and not the exception for homeless youth. In fact, trauma itself poses a special challenge in helping homeless children. Whereas we have well-established…

The Pain of Losing a Pet
Topics: Categories: Grade School, You & Your Family Authored by:

…couldn’t get to the didactics without first wandering through my own memories of my first dog. In my professional career, I’ve seen plenty of kids who are saddened when their…

Why Can’t We Budge The Tide Of Teen Depression?
Topics: , Categories: Parenting Concerns, Teenagers, Young Adults Authored by:

…from non-psychiatric illness. The latest in our growing appreciation of this crisis was published with great fanfare in Pediatrics in December 2016. Remember that any article published in Pediatrics is…

A Closer Look at Anorexia Nervosa
Topics: Categories: Teenagers, Young Adults Authored by:

simply eat. Hey, we all get hungry, don’t we? And for kids, food is about as good as it gets. But as the doctor in charge of their care, they…

How To Survive The Holidays With Teens
Topics: Categories: Teenagers Authored by:

retrospect. Parents may want to recapture that time. Teens, on the other hand, are all about the future. They have little interest in being the children they were in holidays…

The Nuts and Bolts of Telepsychiatry, featuring Janet Wozniak, MD – Shrinking It Down
Topics: , , , , Categories: Multimedia, Podcast Authored by: , and

teletherapy and telemedicine would become – in such a short period of time – as a part of routine healthcare for all age groups and populations, in response to the…

Can My Teen Be My Confidant?
Topics: , Categories: Multimedia, Teenagers, Videos, You & Your Family Authored by: and

…navigate the murky waters of emerging adulthood in their kids. Things get even more confusing if you take a look at what your kids are reading or watching on the…

My Child Is Being Bullied Because Of Religion
Topics: Categories: Grade School Authored by: and

…identity, race, ethnicity and the importance of belonging start to play extremely important roles in the lives of kids. Around late school-age and early adolescence, kids start to pay increasing…

Choosing Appropriate Gifts for Children
Topics: , Categories: Grade School, Hot Topics, Pre-School, You & Your Family Authored by:

…skills for poring over the detailed instructions. If you have a child who struggles in school, educational toys may be less than enthusiastically received. In fact, even kids without learning…
