Search Results for: helping kids fit in

Search Results for: Helping Kids Fit In

401 results found.
What Is An Adjustment Disorder?
Topics: Categories: Grade School, Parenting Concerns, Teenagers, Videos, You & Your Family Authored by:

circumstance, the symptoms start to fade (within six months according to the DSM criteria). In Lindsey’s case, her reaction to her parents’ divorce was causing her problems emotionally, in that…

“Walking in Another Character’s Armored Boots”: How Role-playing and Therapy Intertwine
Topics: , Categories: Parenting Concerns, You & Your Family Authored by: , and

evil? A studied wizard who excels in the meticulous gathering of magical research? How about a thief who slips in and out of the shadows in the dead of night?…

Beyond Sexual Assault
Categories: Hot Topics, Podcast, Teenagers, Young Adults Authored by:

…senior in high school in one of Boston’s suburbs. She didn’t initially confide in her parents because she was unsure that they’d understand. However, when her symptoms of post-traumatic stress…

Living With A Chronic Medical Illness
Topics: , Categories: Multimedia, Parenting Concerns, Podcast, Teenagers, Young Adults Authored by: , and

…least for me. Do I sound crazy? Am I making myself sick? Is this all in my head? In talking to this doctor, I realized that I had never shared…

Discipline and Punishment – Shrinking It Down
Topics: , Categories: Multimedia, Podcast Authored by: and

…to discipline their kids when they do something that’s not right – stealing, hitting, staying out past curfew. But how do you make the punishment fit the crime, and help…

Dr. Chester Pierce: Reflections on my Treasured Mentor
Topics: , Categories: Parenting Concerns Authored by:

…interest in kids and healthy development, my activism in college (for civil rights, working for the Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee), and my interests in music. He said he was so…

Talking To Your Child About a Sibling’s Mental Illness
Topics: , Categories: Grade School, Parenting Concerns, Pre-School, Teenagers, You & Your Family Authored by:

…tone of compassion, patience, and respect—they will create an environment that supports healing and resilience in all of their children. Here are things to keep in mind as you approach…

The Unexpected Magic of Thank You Notes: 9 Strategies to Help Your Child Get Started
Topics: , Categories: Grade School, Parenting Concerns, Teenagers, You & Your Family Authored by:

…and the receiver, is from 2018. The collection of mini-studies in the study shows the positivity of thank you notes – or, as they were called in the study, “gratitude…

Processing the Impact of War in Israel and Palestine
Topics: , Categories: Hot Topics, Parenting Concerns Authored by:

…at home. For supporting a young person in your life right now, please consider the following resources: Helping Kids of All Ages in the Face of Terrorism or War (MGH…

What If My Child Has an Anxiety Disorder?
Topics: , Categories: Grade School, Pre-School, Young Adults Authored by:

…categories also help parents and clinicians keep in mind the possibility of pathological anxiety when a child is troubled. The seemingly “spaced-out” student in class might actually be terrified, and…

The Resiliency Of The Olympic Games
Topics: Categories: Hot Topics Authored by:

In 1980, on the day that the US played the Soviets in hockey, I had a junior high dance to attend. Like many of my classmates, I had heard on…

What If My Child Is Suicidal?
Topics: , , Categories: Young Adults Authored by:

…difficulties. First, some background statistics: In 2019, nearly 1 in 5 of high school students reported having seriously considered suicide in the previous 12 months. At any given time, as…

My 2-Year-Old Resists Being Held
Topics: , Categories: Infants & Toddlers, Multimedia, Videos Authored by:

all children want to be held? Like lots of things with kids, the extent to which kids want to be held sits fluidly on a spectrum. Some kids want to…

Do As I Say, Not As I TXT: Tips for Parents to Manage Technology Use at the Dinner Table
Topics: Categories: Hot Topics, You & Your Family Authored by: and

In 21st-century America, where we no longer quilt on the front porch, play musical instruments together, or plant beans side-by-side in the field, dinner is the primary occasion we use…

Managing Anger: It’s All About RESPECT
Topics: , Categories: Teenagers, You & Your Family Authored by:

…brain, but teenagers have a brain that is still maturing. During the teenage years, the part of the brain responsible for emotions and impulses is actually more in charge than…
