Family therapy emphasizes the idea that a child lives and grows in relationship to others, particularly in relationship to members of his or her own family. There are many different…
growing body of evidence that supports its use in traumatized children. Some of the more rigorous studies have been completed in children who have been sexually abused, and CBT treatments…
…likely to reach out to friends in times of need. With this in mind, Valerie Grison-Alsop, founded Give Us the Floor, a nonprofit organization that promotes peer support for teens,…
…Reaching out to others is key. This may be helping others in need, becoming a volunteer in providing services in your community, or joining a community organization. The process not…
…her first nightmare. In her dream, the car would spin in slow motion, and she would wake with the very vivid image of her brother (who she was certain was…
in preschool. Both Alexandria’s teacher and pediatrician suggested that an evaluation might be useful in understanding why she seemed to lack an interest in playing with other children. Her parents…
…rarely missed appointments in the past, but a number of last-minute cancellations have alarmed her clinician. Was there something wrong in Julie’s house? Perhaps her depression was so bad that…
…lot about helping kids as they’re growing up with all sorts of challenges. Most families will experience some kind of challenge along the road of life, whether behavioral, psychiatric, chronic,…
through the Lauren Dunne Astley Memorial Fund to develop violence prevention programming in schools, Malcolm helps us take a closer look at the concept of “at-risk emotions” in young people….
Este artículo está disponible en español . You can also listen to a more detailed conversation about self-harming behavior in teens. Tune in below, or search for “Shrinking It Down”…
and Eating Disorders in Fiji: Interview with Anne E. Becker, MD (WebsEdgeMedicine – YouTube) (MGH Clay Center) – How to Make a Vision Board That Works in 9 Simple…
This blog is the second in a series on dyslexia . Topics to be addressed further in include accommodation options available, and the transition of a child to life, school,…
…technology, it has never been easier to stay in touch. It may be that parents are contributing to this high consumption media diet through the role they play in maintaining…
…this, of course, is part of the difficulty facing children and adolescents who must get through these difficult times. Kids hear grownups talk of death in terms that transcend and…
…lot of kids feel as they near the end of their blissful single childhood. Siblings are wonderful, and a blessing, but in the eyes of a little one, there can…