Search Results for: helping kids fit in

Search Results for: Helping Kids Fit In

401 results found.
Shrinking It Down: When Nightmares Become Reality in the U.S. (Special Episode)
Topics: Categories: Hot Topics, Multimedia, Podcast Authored by: , and

You can also listen to this podcast on iTunes, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. Just search for “Shrinking It Down.” *** In research that’s been done about kids’…

In Memoriam: Landon T. Clay, 1926-2017
Topics: Categories: You & Your Family Authored by:

at the High School in the morning, Landon took his usual seat in the sun room with his New York Times and Wall Street Journal at his side. And when…

In Memory Of Martin Luther King Jr.: The Providence Of Hope For A New Generation
Topics: Categories: You & Your Family Authored by:

…them embracing the spirit of those who bravely marched in Selma in 1965. In 1965, those who marched in Selma made our lives better. Today’s marchers will undoubtedly do the…

Gaming Disorder – Shrinking It Down
Topics: , , , Categories: Multimedia, Parenting Concerns, Podcast Authored by: and

…really want to know for their kids is: When does it cross the line from casual pastime to problem territory? In this episode of Shrinking It Down: Mental Health Made…

Living With Technology – Shrinking It Down
Topics: , , Categories: Multimedia, Parenting Concerns, Videos Authored by: and

Technology. Some days it feels like we can’t live with it, but in today’s world we certainly can’t live without it. And what’s the mental health impact on our kids

Young Healthy Minds: Shining Light on Mental Health Through Education
Topics: , , , Categories: Multimedia, Parenting Concerns, Videos Authored by:

Here at The Clay Center for Young Healthy Minds, we know that there just aren’t enough child psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers — anyone who helps to take care of kids

Intimacy and the Teenage Brain – Shrinking It Down
Topics: , , Categories: Multimedia, Parenting Concerns, Podcast, Teenagers Authored by: , and

great example of how talking helps us to process some of the trickier issues in life. In this episode of Shrinking It Down, Dr. Ellen Braaten joins Gene and Steve…

What Is Conduct Disorder?
Topics: , Categories: Parenting Concerns Authored by:

part of this diagnosis. It is more common in boys than in girls, and the disorder usually begins by age 10 years, which is called childhood-onset type. In some cases,…

Admissions Scandal, College Pressure, and Mental Health
Topics: , Categories: Podcast Authored by: , and

…less extreme (and less fraudulent) measures we take to ensure our kids succeed at a level that’s far above-average. What message does it send to young people today when we…

What Is Autism Spectrum?
Topics: Categories: Parenting Concerns Authored by:

…likely to generalize and maintain what they learn in school and in therapy. The most effective treatments are ones that are very intensive in that they are given for many…

Q+A: My child was diagnosed with ADHD and I don’t see problems at home. Why is school so tough for him?
Topics: , , Categories: Parenting Concerns Authored by:

…they are interested in a topic or activity. In fact, many current researchers view ADHD as an issue with flexibility of attention, in that children with ADHD pay dedicated attention…

Q+A: Is ADHD Overdiagnosed?
Topics: , , Categories: Grade School, Parenting Concerns, You & Your Family Authored by:

…tend to have challenges with some combination of impulsivity, hyperactivity, attention, and distractibility. ADHD is three to six times more common in boys than in girls, though – as mentioned…

Q+A: Should I be nervous? My preschooler’s teacher recommended I have him evaluated for an anxiety disorder..
Topics: , , Categories: Grade School, Parenting Concerns, Pre-School, Stress Authored by:

My 3-year-old son Justin has been in preschool for five months and he won’t stay unless I sit in the classroom with him. His teacher told me today that this…

What Is a Personality Disorder?
Topics: , Categories: Parenting Concerns, Teenagers, You & Your Family Authored by:

…that are helpful and highly valued. In addition, many of these qualities are traits we all have – it’s just that they become problematic when in their extreme. In other…
