Search Results for: helping kids fit in

Search Results for: Helping Kids Fit In

400 results found.
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What Is The Developing Brain?
Topics: Categories: Pre-School, Teenagers Authored by:

only in the last 20 years or so that we’ve even had the tools to understand these changes at the level of the neuron. In others words, we now have…

Living in Fear of Criticism and Humiliation: The Problem of Social Anxiety Disorder
Topics: , Categories: Parenting Concerns, Teenagers, Young Adults Authored by:

associated with all social situations. That’s when kids start staying home. Kids who develop social anxiety have several other risk factors. They may be naturally shy, timid or restrained in…

Five Parenting Tips for Civility and Coping With the Political Climate
Topics: Categories: Grade School, Hot Topics, Parenting Concerns, Teenagers, You & Your Family Authored by:

…in their shoes. If your kids find themselves in the midst of a disagreement, help them to try on the other guy’s shoes. Literally say to your child, “I wonder…

Shy Kids: Understanding Them and Helping Them Thrive
Topics: , Categories: Parenting Concerns, You & Your Family Authored by:

good to enroll them in a large class but instead invite one or two kids over to join in a group activity. The participation with others in enjoyable activities may…

The Birds and The Bees of Kids and Dating
Topics: , Categories: Teenagers Authored by:

that if kids are doing something inappropriate, they may succumb to peer pressure. More importantly, doing things in groups doesn’t mean your child isn’t having sex. In fact, kids seem…

Anxiety to Agency: Empowering Kids to Address Climate Change
Topics: , , Categories: Grade School, Parenting Concerns, Stress, Teenagers Authored by:

driving break-neck across a d ry and barbaric landscape in search of water and fuel to live out the end of days. Instead, v irtually every kid in my practice…

The Trauma Felt In Teen Breakups
Topics: Categories: Parenting Concerns, Teenagers, Young Adults Authored by:

…and they’ll tell the whole world on social media, but the data suggests that kids who get clinically depressed after a breakup don’t usually let the adults in their lives…

10 Self-Care Tips for Parents
Topics: , Categories: Parenting Concerns, Stress, You & Your Family Authored by:

so many obligations to our families and homes, in addition to juggling work, friendships, involvement in religious communities, community service, and nurturing hobbies. When do we fit in self-care for…

What If My Child Has Tantrums?
Topics: , Categories: Multimedia, Pre-School, Videos, You & Your Family Authored by:

…“Losing it” is, in fact, a kind of normal regression—a backwards developmental movement. When adults have tantrums, they remind us of little kids. When little kids yell and scream, they…

When Parents Have an Argument
Topics: , Categories: Multimedia, Videos, You & Your Family Authored by: and

parents argue. They might not argue in front of their kids, but it’s no great crime to have a disagreement. It isn’t even a crime to argue in front of…

A 9-Year-Old Has No Remorse For Stealing But Always Lets Himself Get Caught: What Should Parents Do?
Topics: Categories: Grade School Authored by: and

One morning in your daily rush to get them to the bus, you find your purse, left in its typical place on the kitchen table, wide open. The wallet is…

Learning Over The Summer
Topics: Categories: Grade School, Teenagers, You & Your Family Authored by:

When parents of school-aged kids think about summer vacations, what would you expect their favorite part to be? Taking the kids to the beach? Sleeping in late? Foregoing the school…

Bad To The Bone: Seven Myths About Juveniles In Jail
Topics: Categories: Hot Topics, Podcast, You & Your Family Authored by: , , and

other way. That lesson appears to result in higher rates of recidivist violent crime. I was a good kid, my kids are good kids, and these kids chose to be…

How To Tell If Your Child Is Stressed This Summer
Topics: Categories: Grade School, Teenagers, You & Your Family Authored by:

this key fact: If your kids are school-aged (and not home-schooled), then they’ve been AT school for the last nine months—and kids grow a ton during that time. What looked…

How To Talk To Your Kids About Internet Pornography
Topics: , , Categories: Grade School, Hot Topics, Teenagers Authored by:

would not have been possible in the age of X-rated cyberspace. In one episode, the boys sneak into a coveted nudist colony because they lack the $4,000 entrance fee. They…

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