Many parents rely on others to help care for their kids, and grandparents often play an important role in taking over for parents during the work week, on weekends, or over holidays.
El término “discapacidad de aprendizaje” se refiere a problemas en un área de aprendizaje, específicamente lectura, escritura o matemáticas, pero también conocidos como “dislexia” (problemas en la lectura), “disgrafía” (problemas con la escritura) o”discalculia” (problemas con las matemática
La ansiedad es la forma en que los humanos hemos evolucionado para protegernos.
En situaciones amenazadoras, nuestros cerebros desencadenan una serie de respuestas que resultan en una elevación del ritmo cardíaco, sudoración, temblores, hiperventilación y miedo intenso, todo con el propósito de prepararnos para el peligro.
Los padres son los verdaderos expertos cuando se trata de conocer a sus hijos, y a menudo son los primeros en notar cualquier cambio en el comportamiento de sus hijos:
Colin era un joven feliz. Tenía amigos, le iba bien en la escuela y se llevaba bien con sus hermanos y padres en casa.
I’ve reached the age of becoming a grandparent. So have many of my friends.
There’s something quite special about this experience.
Jacob, de 14 años, parece tenerlo todo. Vive en un barrio rico, asiste a una escuela privada, practica deportes y es un miembro estrella de la banda de su escuela. Y, sin embargo, se siente incómodo y estresado.
Perhaps the most pressing concern for parents who have a child with autism or a similar developmental issue is “What does the future hold?”
We don’t have a crystal ball. If we did, joining the circus and traveling the world telling fortunes might prove to be a more helpful career than academic medicine.
Most of us, young and old, were stunned by the tragic death of Kobe Bryant along with his daughter. Whether you are a Laker’s fan or not, Kobe represented something more, including for young people.
Tom Brady said it this way in a Twitter statement:
“And in this tragedy, I have learned so much.
Is it always nature vs. nurture, or do the two interact? Many parents worry that their own or a family member’s mental health disorder destine their children to struggle in the same way. But, while many psychiatric disorders do run in families to some extent, so do lots of things! Right down to food preferences and professions.
The answer is, it depends.
When “extra time” on tests first began decades ago, the goal was to level the playing field for students with learning disabilities by allotting them the same amount of time that everyone else had.