I’m often asked if ADHD is “overdiagnosed.” Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common – and some might argue one of the more impairing – childhood disorders. Approximately one out of 20 school-aged kids meet criteria for ADHD.
Note: On May 25, 2019, the World Health Organization approved revisions to the 11th edition of its Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) to move gender incongruence out of mental disorders and into sexual health conditions.
Hear a conversation about gaming disorder below, or search for “Shrinking It Down” wherever you stream.
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“He is playing games all the time. Every chance he gets! From the time he gets home until bedtime, he’s in his room on that computer.
My child was diagnosed with ADHD. He’s taking medication and I don’t see many problems at home, but his teacher constantly complains about issues at school.
A lot has been written on sibling rivalry, particularly about name calling, arguing, provoking, physical fighting, and other forms of overt hostility. Almost every article suggests that this is inevitable and normal.
How can you tell if your child has a drinking problem? By far, the most commonly misused drug among teens is alcohol. This makes sense, as alcohol is legally available throughout the United States, it’s heavily advertised and glorified in the media, and frequently used in celebratory activities.
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Children with autism have significant challenges with social interactions and communication and a very restricted repertoire of activities and interests. Issues with social reciprocity are very severe (it’s not just being shy or a bit detached).
Mark, age 13, was referred to my office for an evaluation because of conduct issues. He had just set his third fire in the house, and this time the fire led to thousands of dollars of damaged furniture.
Order your copy of Dr. Beresin’s guide on youth loneliness.
Recently, I was teaching a seminar for child psychiatry fellows on the topic of Donald Winnicott’s Theory of Emotional Development. About a third of the group had young children.
In the days leading up to Halloween or Christmas or Valentine’s Day, teachers and parents often wring their hands. Kids seem rambunctious and gleefully hyperactive. The amount of sugar these kids consume is remarkable.