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It’s cold. It’s gray. It’s dark. This time of year, a lot of folks feel pretty blah. And not just those with depression or other mental health disorders. It can affect anyone.
Autism, more formally referred to as autism spectrum disorders (ASD), are conditions where individuals struggle with social relationships and communication. People with autism also often face challenges in handling changes to their normal routines, or attempts to expand their usually narrow range of interests.
John’s mom was perplexed. John’s teacher had suggested he be evaluated because he was having trouble learning to read and paying attention in class. John’s mom, Lisa, didn’t want to get the testing completed through the school system because Lisa’s friend recommended a psychologist, Dr.
Question: My child’s teacher told me that she’s worried about my son’s behavior at school. She said he’s hyperactive and unfocused. I think he’s just being a boy. I took him to our pediatrician who said we could wait and see before putting him on medication. I liked that idea.
You can also listen to this episode wherever you get your podcasts – just search for ‘Shrinking It Down’.
Rewards. Punishments. Incentives.
Executive Functions is one of those “buzzy” terms that teachers use a lot these days.
We’ve written about bipolar disorder before.
We’ve also written about the controversy surrounding the diagnosis. Until about 25 years ago, most clinicians felt that bipolar disorder in children and adolescents was extremely rare.
Question: Once you have discovered your teen is using pot and confronted the teenager about it, what’s your recommended next step?– Lori W., Facebook
Tune in for more on what parents should know about teen drug use.
You can also subscribe to this podcast on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn, and most podcast apps.
Question: It seems like every child these days has some kind of problem. ADHD. Anxiety. Depression. Are these things as common as they seem?
Answer: Are behavioral challenges among children as common as they seem? Well, it’s difficult to say because the line between normal and abnormal behavior is often a matter of degree.