Back to school.
For seniors, it’s often a stressful time as they prepare for a new era in life after high school, but also one of enthusiasm as they feel a greater sense of confidence and autonomy.
It’s also a time parents worry more – about their teens’ future and about risky behaviors.
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Most school-age kids are typically eager to head back to school after a break.
Hans Selye, a Hungarian scientist who was a pioneer in modern stress research, was quoted as saying:
“It’s not stress that kills us, it is our reaction to it.”
Today, 75 years after he made that statement, it rings as true as ever.
Starting a new school year is often filled with anxiety for both parents and kids. Kids who are starting a new school, either because they are moving from middle school to high school, or are moving to a new neighborhood, have the biggest adjustment, but even those who are just moving to a new grade have adjustments to make.