Articles containing: BHI

Conciencia del Estrés: Cómo Pueden Los Padres Ayudar A Sus Hijos Con El Estrés

Jacob, de 14 años, parece tenerlo todo. Vive en un barrio rico, asiste a una escuela privada, practica deportes y es un miembro estrella de la banda de su escuela. Y, sin embargo, se siente incómodo y estresado.

Managing Back-To-School Stress

Hans Selye, a Hungarian scientist who was a pioneer in modern stress research, was quoted as saying:

“It’s not stress that kills us, it is our reaction to it.”

Today, 75 years after he made that statement, it rings as true as ever.

Stress Awareness: How Parents Can Help Their Children With Stress

How can parents help their children to increase stress awareness and manage stress? Read more, below.

Este artículo está disponible en español.

14-year-old Jacob seems to have it all.