Articles containing: brain development

The Importance Of Imaginative Play In Healthy Development

This post is not about Pokemon Go.

I thought it would be prudent to lead with that caveat. This post is about play—imaginative play, to be more specific—and, while I have no qualms with the notion that people of all ages “play” Pokemon, Go, that’s not the kind of play I want to discuss.

Bad To The Bone: Seven Myths About Juveniles In Jail

Intro music written and performed by Dr. Gene Beresin.
Outro music performed by Dr. Gene Beresin.


Bad To The Bone: Seven Myths About Juveniles In Jail

Judith Edersheim, J.D., M.D. and Robert Kinscherff, Ph.D., J.D.

What Is Child Development?

When Suzie was four years old, she was so excited.

The families in her neighborhood had all chosen the same crisp Sunday to rake all of the fallen autumn leaves.