Articles containing: cutting

Self-Harm in Teens ft. Dr. Blaise Aguirre, MD – Shrinking It Down

*Content Warning: This episode contains segments of discussion that may be difficult for some audience members to hear. Content such as descriptions of self-harm methods are included.

Self-harm is a rising mental health concern that tends to begin in the teenage years.

Niños Que Se Cortan

¿En qué consisten las automutilaciones?

Hacerse cortes y otras formas de automutilarse son conductas frecuentes en niños con dificultades psicológicas. Otras conductas autolesivas son quemarse con cigarrillos o mecheros, golpearse hasta hacerse moratones, perforarse la piel, morderse o tirarse de los pelos.

Children Who Cut Themselves

Este artículo está disponible en español.

You can also listen to a more detailed conversation about self-harming behavior in teens. Tune in below, or search for “Shrinking It Down” wherever you stream.

My Child Is Deliberately Cutting. What Do I Do?

Learning that your child has been engaging in self-harm can be really scary and alarming as a parent or guardian. We answer a parent’s question, below.

Hear a detailed conversation about underlying causes and how to respond to self-harm in a child below, or find “Shrinking It Down” wherever you stream.


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