Articles containing: discipline

What Are the Consequences If Your Teen Has Been Using Pot?

Many teenagers experiment with alcohol and other substances, and pot – or marijuana – is one of those drugs. While many states have made pot legal for medical and/or recreational use, recent studies show that this, specifically, has not increased its use in teens.

Tune in for more on what parents should know about teen drug use.

The Positive Value of Conflict Resolution

Are you an educator? You may be interested in our Conflict Resolution Curriculum for students. Learn more here.

Conflict is a natural part of our lives. We inevitably have disagreements with others from time to time in our values, beliefs, behavior, and much more.

How Do We Heal From Here? A Guide for Families and Our Nation

I cannot think of a time in recent history when our nation was more polarized, and resentment and anger so pervasive. One thing we know, though, is that our kids and teens are watching, picking up on, and asking questions about the intensity of it all. There are calls for unity and healing almost everywhere we turn.

Discipline and Punishment – Shrinking It Down

Listen wherever you get your podcasts – just search for “Shrinking It Down.”

Punishment. It’s not the most fun part of the job, but parents know they have a responsibility to discipline their kids when they do something that’s not right – stealing, hitting, staying out past curfew.

Lord Of The Flies In The Classroom: The Complicated World of Discipline And Limits

There is a fairly disturbing video circulating the Internet this week: a substitute teacher appears terrified as students verbally, and even physically, threaten her. One boy goes so far as to raise a chair in the air, as if preparing to strike her.

Giving a 2-Year-Old a 15-Minute Time-Out

Much to what I imagine is the intense chagrin of my eighth grade English teacher, the word “consequence” has become a verb.

As in:

“If you take another cookie without my saying it’s OK, I’m going to consequence you.”

English teachers everywhere grimace when they hear a sentence like that.