Articles containing: fear

Preventing School Shootings: Playing the Mental Health Card is Off the Mark

Another senseless shooting and more loss of lives. We’ve said it before and we will say it again, our hearts go out to the families in the community of Uvalde.

There Are All Sorts of Ways of Making Things Better

Things might seem kind of awful lately.

Every news headline, from every corner of American ideology, feels pretty depressing.  We are subjected to nihilistic rants or apocalyptic predictions.  When do we smile? When our late-night talk-show hosts use our negativity for comedic material.  I’ll admit it.

Living in Fear of Criticism and Humiliation: The Problem of Social Anxiety Disorder

Most kids and young adults look forward to going back to school. But for those with social anxiety, school and all that comes with it can literally provoke dread.

I’m going to show you what I mean. Let’s consider Sally.

Sally is a sweet, sensitive, likeable 16-year-old girl.

Helping Kids of All Ages in the Face of Terrorism or War

At times like these – in the face of terrorism or war – amid our shock, grief, and fear, we need to be particularly attuned to the impact such events have on our children. Kids of all ages have questions and various emotional reactions—compounded all the more by the footage and commentary they may be seeing and experiencing.

Treating Specific Phobias in Kids

It was the last semester of medical school, and Philadelphia couldn’t have been nicer—even West Philly.

My wife and daughter, then almost five years old, were walking around town, and at one point let our daughter run ahead over a concrete bridge.

Beyond Sexual Assault

This blog post is part of a series entitled Real Lives, Real Stories: Personal Experiences With Mental Illness.


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