Articles containing: film

Oscars Special – Shrinking It Down

You can also subscribe to this podcast on iTunes, Spotify, Google Play, Stitcher, TuneIn, SoundCloud, and most podcast apps – just search for “Shrinking It Down”. 

Why on earth are two child psychiatrists talking about the 2019 Academy Awards? It’s not just for fun, even though it’s fun, too.

HOME: Bringing Voice to Youth Who Have Experienced Homelessness

Ask your children or the young people in your life:

“What is a home?”

“What do you want to be when you grow up?”

How do their answers compare to the children in this video?

No matter their background, no matter where they live, all child

Shrinking It Down: Our Greatest Strengths (Season 1, Episode 16)

You can also listen to this podcast on SoundCloud, Stitcher, and iTunes. 


Did you know that Dr. Ellen Braaten has a mild form of dyslexia and had to work really hard at reading when she was a child? Did you know that Dr. Gene Beresin has always struggled with math?

We all have challenges. We all have differences.

Family: Stories of Adoption

According to the Urban Dictionary, a family is “a group of people…who genuinely love, trust, care about, and look out for each other… REAL family is a bondage that cannot be broken by any means.

Shrinking It Down: Films That Heal, featuring Eric I. Lu (Season 1, Episode 5)

You can also listen to this podcast on SoundCloud, Stitcher, and iTunes. 


Films foster empathy and can even promote social action. Sharing stories of mental health through video allows viewers to deeply connect with storytellers.

Using the Power of Narrative to #StopSuicide

Increasing public awareness of suicide is not an easy task. To truly grapple with the issue, we have to face some difficult and painful feelings. For these reasons, when we at the Clay Center collaborated to tell the true story of a young sophomore at Harvard named Luke, who tragically took his own life, we decided to turn to film.