In the recent Advisory, Parents Under Pressure, the US Surgeon General noted that parents are currently more stressed, burned out, and lonely than ever before. The alarming statistics are not all that different than his Advisories on the Youth Mental Health and Loneliness Epidemics that have been escalating since the late 1970s.
May is Mental Health Awareness Month! This year, our May calendar is inspired by our new guide Ways to Help Your Lonely Teen by Dr. Gene Beresin. He shares actionable, practical advice to help caring adults prevent and lessen loneliness and isolation in children, teens, and young adults.
Recent national surveys show that a significant proportion of college students report having felt overwhelmed, anxious, and lonely during college. If college is supposed to be the “best years of your life” then why are so many students lonely? That’s what Dr. Gene Beresin and Dr.
Order your copy of Dr. Beresin’s full guide.
Teen loneliness. It seems the opposite of what most folks would think, but more and more surveys are finding that teenagers and young adults today may be lonelier than any other age group – even older adults.
Order your copy of Dr. Beresin’s full guide.
On May 3, 2023, The United States Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy released a new Advisory calling attention to the public health crisis of loneliness, isolation, and lack of connection in our country.
We all know that it is best to support young people who are struggling with life’s challenges upstream, and not wait until they need clinical interventions. I have been leading a new multi-media campaign to do just this.
Tune in wherever you get your podcasts – just search for “Shrinking It Down”!
Data suggest that Generation Z, the teens and young adults coming of age right now, feels lonelier than any other age group. But we don’t know why.
Tune in wherever you get your podcasts – just search for “Shrinking It Down.”
As the summer fades and we move into Autumn, activities in our lives start to build up and so can the stress. Perhaps this is one reason that September is national Suicide Prevention Awareness Month.
Learning that your child has been engaging in self-harm can be really scary and alarming as a parent or guardian. We answer a parent’s question, below.
Hear a detailed conversation about underlying causes and how to respond to self-harm in a child below, or find “Shrinking It Down” wherever you stream.