Teen breakups. When you’re 17 years old, breaking up with someone really, really hurts.
Download our PDF on Teen Breakups.
Yes, that’s a cliché. So much so that almost every adult can think of a favorite popular culture reference to this particular kind of pain.
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There was this song that came out when I was 13 years old. It was by Dan Folgelberg, and I played it over and over again on my Pioneer turntable. It went like this:
“Longer than there’s been fishes in the ocean. Higher than any bird every flew. Longer than there’s been stars up in the heavens. I’ve been in love with you.
You can also listen to this podcast on iTunes, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. Just search for “Shrinking It Down.”
While relationships with family, friends, and even pets can be challenging, learning how to balance our needs with the needs of others can lead to meaningful, loving relationships.
How old were you when you were first allowed to date? Did your parents have rules about when you could first “go out” in a group, and later, on a “real” date?
If you’re a parent of a middle or high school student, you might find that the rules your parents had for you no longer apply.