Articles containing: school safety

Coping With Gun Violence, Together, feat. Gretchen Felopulos, PhD (Shrinking It Down)

With increasing gun violence and constant media coverage, many kids are scared to go to concerts, to malls, to school.

Tune in below, or search for “Shrinking It Down” wherever you get your podcasts.

Many adults are feeling the same – coping with gun violence can be paralyzing.

Violent Schoolyard Scribbles: How Can Teachers, Doctors And Parents Tell If A Child’s Scary Drawings Are A Cause For Concern?

The resident, Dr. G., arrived for a four-hour shift. A pediatrician in his second year of training, he was in the midst of a rotation designed to teach him about psychiatric problems in children.

Kids at Risk for Violence: Warning Signs of Aggression

Some kids will become violent as adolescents.

Many have a very short fuse, exploding over the smallest thing. Others, like a ticking time bomb, harbor pent up anger until something pops.