What is child depression, and when should you worry about it in your child or teen? See more, below.
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“Depression” is a funny term.
Todos sabemos que los intentos de suicidio, la ideación suicida e incluso la tragedia de morirse por suicidio aumentan durante los días festivos de invierno.
Es algo que damos por hecho. Está en toda la prensa, está en la cultura popular.
预防自杀:如何帮助您的孩子 –下载 PDF
Read this article in English on the MassGeneral for Children website.
Mental health myths can increase stigma and prevent parents and caring adults from taking important actions to support children and teens, even when the best intentions are there. Below, child and adolescent psychiatrists Gene Beresin, MD, MA and Khadijah Booth Watkins, MD, MPH share the truth about about nine common mental health myths.
Este artículo está disponible en español.
You can also listen to a more detailed conversation about self-harming behavior in teens. Tune in below, or search for “Shrinking It Down” wherever you stream.
Hasta hace unos seis o siete años, el término “bullying” estaba prácticamente ausente de nuestro vocabulario diario. De hecho, hace seis o siete años, si uno le hubiera pedido a alguien que definiera “acoso”, probablemente le hubieran dicho que la palabra en sí era antigua y pasada de moda.
“Depresión” es un término complicado. Al igual que muchos diagnósticos en psiquiatría, la palabra “depresión” tiene usos comunes y específicos.
Most of us, young and old, were stunned by the tragic death of Kobe Bryant along with his daughter. Whether you are a Laker’s fan or not, Kobe represented something more, including for young people.
Tom Brady said it this way in a Twitter statement:
“And in this tragedy, I have learned so much.
Este artículo está disponible en español.
Stress. Teens and young adults today are more stressed, anxious, depressed and lonely than ever – at least in the United States. At first glance, it’s hard to wrap your head around this fact.
Tune in wherever you get your podcasts – just search for “Shrinking It Down.”
As the summer fades and we move into Autumn, activities in our lives start to build up and so can the stress. Perhaps this is one reason that September is national Suicide Prevention Awareness Month.