Order your copy of Dr. Beresin’s guide on youth loneliness.
Recently, I was teaching a seminar for child psychiatry fellows on the topic of Donald Winnicott’s Theory of Emotional Development. About a third of the group had young children.
Sarah sits on the couch, clutching her stuffed bear. Her finger nails are visibly torn; they’ve been bleeding again.
Her mom, meanwhile, is calling into work again. She’ll have to explain for what feels like the zillionth time that she’ll be late. It’s not clear her boss will understand this awful situation much longer.
I recall sort of blowing off my concerns that my older daughter wouldn’t welcome her soon-to-be-born sibling. After all, I have a sister, and we get along OK.
Lots of people have siblings. How bad can it be?
One of my mentors helped me to think about this using a simple and telling thought experiment.