Articles containing: TV

Media Literacy and Mental Health, featuring Common Sense Media – Shrinking It Down

Today’s young people are spending more time online than previous generations, and many parents and caregivers worry about how social media is affecting their mental health, and emotional and social well-being. Strengthening social media literacy skills can help us all better use media as engaged and informed consumers.

Medios digitales e imagen corporal

Gene Beresin y yo hemos trabajado con personas que luchan contra los trastornos alimentarios, principalmente niñas y mujeres jóvenes y sus familias durante años.

Digital Media and Body Image

Este artículo está disponible en español.

When it comes to social media and body image, there are a lot of questions. Gene Beresin and I have worked with individuals struggling with eating disorders, largely girls and young women and their families for years.

Sexual Assault: How to Talk With Your Kids

As a father of four children and grandfather of four, I was personally shaken by the testimony of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford yesterday. I thought about my kids growing up, and what they might have experienced or observed and never told me, my wife, or anyone.

Last night I had a hard time sleeping.

The Impact Of Reality TV On Our Teens: What Can Parents Do?

Research has shown that reality TV has an impact on the values of young girls and how they view real-life situations. That being the case, it’s important to take a look at some of the standards portrayed on reality TV.

Kim Kardashian was preparing to have her baby.

What’s the Effect of Violent or Graphic Television?

Before we get into the details of this post, I gotta come clean.

I love TV.

I love movies, and TV, and all sorts of visual media.  It is universally accepted that the writing on the screen has gotten better, more nuanced, more sophisticated, and more engrossing.