Mariela was so excited to graduate from middle school this spring. Even though the celebrations looked different this year due to the pandemic, she was moved by all the family members and friends who came together to celebrate this special milestone with her.
It’s probably safe to say that 2020 has taken quite a toll on many of us. This has resulted in a number of reactions, particularly in our mental health. That being said, now that we have made it to 2021, despite the rollout of vaccinations, we continue in our new and modified routines built to cope with the ongoing impact of the pandemic.
Tengo una confesión que hacer. Raramente duermo lo suficiente.
Sé que es importante para mí, pero con demasiada frecuencia la vida se interpone. No estoy solo.
Este artículo está disponible en español.
Listen to our podcast episode on everything you’ve wanted to know about sleep! Search for ‘Shrinking It Down’ wherever you get your podcasts.
I have a confession to make. I rarely get enough sleep.
Things might seem kind of awful lately.
Every news headline, from every corner of American ideology, feels pretty depressing. We are subjected to nihilistic rants or apocalyptic predictions. When do we smile? When our late-night talk-show hosts use our negativity for comedic material. I’ll admit it.
You can also listen to this podcast on SoundCloud, Stitcher, and iTunes.
Films foster empathy and can even promote social action. Sharing stories of mental health through video allows viewers to deeply connect with storytellers.
You can also listen to this podcast on iTunes, Spotify, Google Play, Stitcher, TuneIn, SoundCloud, and most podcast apps – just search for “Shrinking It Down.”
Whether they have fur, scales, tail or no tail, pets can improve the mental and emotional health of children and teens.