Articles containing: worry

What If My Child Has an Anxiety Disorder?

Seth just started driving, and he’s doing pretty well.  The written test was a breeze, and on the streets around his house he feels comfortable. He even volunteered to drive his little sister to the mall.

How to Talk to Your Little Ones About Terrorism

After September 11, 2001, lots of little kids across the nation asked some variation of the same question:

“Mommy, why did the bad guys attack us?”

Kids tend to look for patterns, especially when they’re frightened, so some kids likely took this inquiry even a step further:

“Daddy, why do the bad guys hate us?”

Treating Specific Phobias in Kids

It was the last semester of medical school, and Philadelphia couldn’t have been nicer—even West Philly.

My wife and daughter, then almost five years old, were walking around town, and at one point let our daughter run ahead over a concrete bridge.

When To Seek Help For a Child’s Anxiety

How can we best handle the stress that this year’s marathon and the upcoming memorials of last year’s events might engender? In answering this question, we first need to remember that everyone is unique.