Articles by Terrance M. Dolan, MD

Terrance M. Dolan, MD is a second-year child and adolescent psychiatry fellow at the MGH/Mclean Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Training Program. He currently serves as the Chief Fellow representing the MGH/McLean in the Program in Psychodynamics. He previously attended the VA Boston Healthcare System – Harvard South Shore training program for his adult psychiatry training where he served as Executive Chief Resident & Chief Resident of Education. He enjoys role-playing games, hiking, video games, in-door rock climbing, gardening, and reading in his outdoor hammock.

“Walking in Another Character’s Armored Boots”: How Role-playing and Therapy Intertwine

June 20, 2024


“Walking in Another Character’s Armored Boots”: How Role-playing and Therapy Intertwine

Role-play is one of the most basic ways we learn about how to interact with other people, our identity, the world we’re in, and our place in it. It’s something we almost universally do as children and frequently continue as adults. To a degree, we all play different roles without realizing it; as an example, […]